> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, 23 February 2001 7:12 AM
> Subject: Setting UP CVS
> Hi,
>    I've installed CVS on Solaris 2.8 for Intel. I need to 
>    understand a few things that I don't fee the manual or
>    readme's cover very well at all. Maybe I'm over looking too.
>    The CVS I've installed is cvs 1.10.7 version. I've installed
>    using the pkgadd one. I didn't compile the code. 
>    After installing the cvs I know I need to setup users accounts.
>    But Nothing is mentioned about the administors account.
>    Do I need to setup the following:

I'll assume you are using pserver

>    1. cvsadmin    as a user or group?

There is no 'cvsadmin' account.  However, you should set up a cvs group, and
add all the accounts that will use cvs to this group.

>    2. I've setup up /usr/local/cvsroot filesystem. Who should
>       own this filesystem. I've temporarily set it to dev as the
>       group. But root owns the filesystem.

You just have to make sure that the cvs group or user has read and write
permission in the repository (but maybe not under CVSROOT).

>    3. I still don't understand the modules. Is this something
>       the developers would need such as libraries, a compiler
>       or what ?

A module is a project.  If i was working on a project called My Project, I
would import it into CVS with a module name myproject.  Files for this
project will then be written to /usr/local/cvsroot/myproject/...  Whatever
developers check into cvs, will end up here.  So basically, a module is just
a cvs word for a project.

>    As I stated the documetation talks about the installation but
>    nothing about setting up the users accounts or how the filesystem
>    should be configured or who should own them. It would be nice
>    if someone can email a l"s -la" output of their directory structure
>    so I can unders a  little more.

Here is mine...

[matt@s0004 cvsrepos]$ ls -la
total 24
drwxrwxr-x   6 root     cvs          4096 Feb 15 16:13 .
drwxr-xr-x  25 root     root         4096 Feb 19 13:10 ..
drwxrwxr-x   3 root     cvs          4096 Feb 15 08:46 CVSROOT
drwxrwxr-x   3 cvs      cvs          4096 Feb 15 16:20 TextBot
drwxr-xr-x   4 cvs      cvs          4096 Feb 23 08:01 gridback
drwxr-xr-x   5 cvs      cvs          4096 Feb 22 16:54 gridfront

I have a user on the system called 'cvs', and I use the passwd
administration file to map cvs users to that system user.  So all users
actually use the system under the system account 'cvs'.  I don't know if it
is the best way, but it works fine for me, and we don't need high security.

For more info on setting up this stuff, check out
http://durak.org/cvswebsites/doc/ or
>    I appreciate the help. 
>    Also has anyone use the jcvs. If so comment on this.

I used to use wincvs, but had a few problems with it.  Noticed that there is
now a new version though.  But I now use jcvs, and it works fairly well.
There are some features from wincvs that I wish jcvs had, but in general, I
don't mind jcvs.  I also use the command line a bit still.
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