At 02:26 PM 3/9/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>Brian Hughes writes:
> >
> > If I have installed something from a tarball (it's a web app, a bunch of
> > php mostly) and then I do a checkout ontop of it, will CVS work right?
>Maybe.  Sort-of.  Sometimes.  In other words, no.

Well... suppose that digging out from the snowstorm here north of Boston on 
Monday is just not causing me the requisite amount of suffering...  Can you 
give me an example of what will probably go wrong?

And thank you for your answer!


> > The context is I am envisaging distributing something as a tarball, and
> > then later those who like the app and wanted to develop it would get a CVS
> > account and do the checkout into the same directory tree as they created
> > with the tarball.
>If you're going to allow anonymous CVS access, the best way to do this
>is to have the tarball be an anonymously checked-out working directory
>complete with metadata in CVS subdirectories.  If you're not going to
>allow anonymous access, then it's probably best to make interested
>people do a full checkout in a new directory rather than trying to
>overlay an existing directory of unknown provenance.

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