Larry/Laine - 
Thanks for the advice. I did not read the contents of that
URL you sent until Laine's posting. It was just what I needed.
Thanks, Nick.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 04 April 2001 22:40
Subject: Re: Module variable

Laine Stump writes:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Larry Jones) writes:
> > 
> >
> My problem with that was that it was (potentially) run as a different
> user each time, resulting in permission errors (since the users don't
> have g+w in their umask). I just wrote a short setuid program that
> executed the same command.

It would have been simpler to add a umask command before the update.

> I also seem to recall that it gets called once for each file, which
> leads to bunches of "waiting for xxx's lock on yyy" messages when a
> single cvs commit ends up committing multiple files (since multiple
> copies of it are running at once).

No, it gets called once per directory.  Since locks are done on a
per-directory basis and the example command sleeps for two seconds
before starting the update (to give the commit time to complete), it
usually isn't a problem, although it might be beneficial to increase the
time delay for a sufficiently large tree.

-Larry Jones

My "C-" firmly establishes me on the cutting edge of the avant-garde.
-- Calvin
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