On Thu, Jun 28, 2001 at 17:27 +0100, Ian Gilmour wrote:
> Anyone know of a Unix-based graphical front-end to RCS.
> We've got some users here that seem to prefer a graphical GUI
> to a command line driven one. Can't understand it myself!
> Something like TKCVS but for RCS.

Emacs?  SCNR.

But seriously -- emacs AFAIK has support for RCS, SCCS, and CVS
(and mice, and menus, and colors, and many platforms to run on,
and development tools, and scripting, and much more -- you can
even manipulate files with it:).

Which reminds me of the old saying "Emacs is a nice operating
system, but UNIX definitely has the better editor." :>

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