I have used ediff in the past for merging a small set of files and also for
resolving conflicts from a cvs merge. Here's what I'm really after. The
project I'm working on consists of a total of 2,700 cpp, h, and idl files.
We also frequently have 2 or 3 development branches going on concurrently.
In about a week I'll start the merge process for the branch that my team has
been working on. Presently with a test cvs merge I've found that there are
94 files with merge conflicts. Unless I find a better way to handle this,
I'll end up using xemacs/ediff to perform a three way merge on each of the
conflicting files after a cvs merge is completed. This involves identifying
the conflicting file (easy), identifying each of the 3 files for the merge
in xemacs (tedious), and resolving the actual conflicts (downright painful).

There's no getting around the final step. However, life would be much better
if the previous two steps could be automated. E.g. perform the merge and
have xemacs cycle through each of the conflicting files so that the
conflicts could be resolved. This would at least make a difficult situation
less painful. This is why I'm seeking more information on running emacs in
batch mode. Any URLs to that effect or other suggestions would be greatly

c-john.kramer AT wcom.com

"David Masterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >>>>> JAKramer  writes:
> > Does anyone have a good link for info on doing 3 way merges with emacs?
> Have you looked at EDiff?  It's on the Tools menu...
> > Batch and otherwise...
> Batch 3-way merging in Emacs...?  I think EDiff is more interactive.
> --
> David Masterson                dmaster AT synopsys DOT com
> Sr. R&D Engineer               Synopsys, Inc.
> Software Engineering           Sunnyvale, CA

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