>>>>> JAKramer  writes:

> I have used ediff in the past for merging a small set of files and
> also for resolving conflicts from a cvs merge. Here's what I'm
> really after. The project I'm working on consists of a total of
> 2,700 cpp, h, and idl files.  We also frequently have 2 or 3
> development branches going on concurrently.  In about a week I'll
> start the merge process for the branch that my team has been working
> on. Presently with a test cvs merge I've found that there are 94
> files with merge conflicts. Unless I find a better way to handle
> this, I'll end up using xemacs/ediff to perform a three way merge on
> each of the conflicting files after a cvs merge is completed. This
> involves identifying the conflicting file (easy), identifying each
> of the 3 files for the merge in xemacs (tedious), and resolving the
> actual conflicts (downright painful).

> There's no getting around the final step. However, life would be
> much better if the previous two steps could be
> automated. E.g. perform the merge and have xemacs cycle through each
> of the conflicting files so that the conflicts could be
> resolved. This would at least make a difficult situation less
> painful. This is why I'm seeking more information on running emacs
> in batch mode. Any URLs to that effect or other suggestions would be
> greatly appreciated!

I don't see how you could get around doing the last step interactively
(if it could've been done in batch, then CVS would do it).  Therefore,
I don't see how you could run emacs in batch to do this process.

I haven't used it, but doesn't run-ediff-from-cvs-buffer in the ediff
package provide what you want?

David Masterson                dmaster AT synopsys DOT com
Sr. R&D Engineer               Synopsys, Inc.
Software Engineering           Sunnyvale, CA
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