I can not commit - Here's an example session: CVS server is on
solaris, CVS client is on RedHat, Win98, or Win2k. I am behind a Nat
router when accessing the cvs server (I've change the IP of the CVS
server to protect the innocent).

$ cvs -version

Concurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.11 (client/server)
.... ... more version info....

$ ssh -l dhoag cvs -version

Concurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.11 (client/server)
... more version info ....

$ cvs -t -z 9 commit -m "Updates to property holders"
cvs commit: notice: main loop with
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/space/cvsroot
 -> Starting server: ssh -l dhoag cvs server
 -> Sending file `BrokerPropertyDetail.java' to server
 -> Sending file `BrokerPropertySource.java' to server
Read from remote host Connection reset by peer
cvs [commit aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages
if any)

$ cvs -z 9 status BrokerPropertySource.java
Read from remote host Connection reset by peer
cvs [status aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages
if any)

Sometimes CVS update/status works. Cvs checkout always works.

Any suggestions?
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