[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Larry Jones) wrote in message 
> David Hoag writes:
> > 
> > $ cvs -version
> > 
> > Concurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.11 (client/server)
> > .... ... more version info....
> > 
> > $ ssh -l dhoag cvs -version
> > 
> > Concurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.11 (client/server)
> > ... more version info ....
> With CVS 1.11, you can just do "cvs version" (that's a command, not an
> option, so no -) to get both the client and server version information
> in one shot.
> > Read from remote host Connection reset by peer
> > cvs [commit aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages
> > if any)
> That indicates that the server is closing the connection.  That could be
> because it is crashing, or it could be because you've got some kind of
> access control software (e.g., tcpd) that's denying access to the
> server.  Look in the server's TempDir (usually /tmp) for leftover
> cvs-serv* directories and core files -- if there aren't any, the server
> isn't crashing.
> -Larry Jones
> Philistines. -- Calvin

Im guessing its related to a slow internet connection (110kb - faster
than dialup) or something about my provider. Any ideas where to look?
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