--- "Greg A. Woods" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [ On Tuesday, February 19, 2002 at 18:04:06 (-0500),
> Eric Siegerman wrote: ]
> > Geez, that's just what Paul's been saying all
> along!  It's
> > everyone else that's been treating his defence of
> ClearCase as
> > rank heresy.
> Yeah, so why does he hang around here and why did he
> keep using CVS for
> so long depsite the fact that he had nothing but
> grief from it?

Isn't this what this whole thread has been about? 
Paul has been saying that, although CVS has
weaknesses, it also has strengths, just like ClearCase
has weaknesses and strengths.  However, in theory, one
should be able to fix the weaknesses in open source,
but in practice, Paul has needed to fix and refix the
same things since, for one reason or another, the
fixes haven't been adopted by the standard release.


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