In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Noel Yap wrote:
>--- "Greg A. Woods" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> [ On Wednesday, February 20, 2002 at 07:45:24
>> (-0800), Noel Yap wrote: ]
>> > Subject: Re: Converting ClearCase to CVS
>> >
>> > One of the most current arenas where CVS is not an
>> > ideal tool is Java development since refactoring
>> > causes renaming and moving of files.
>> Refactoring in C could just as easily leave you with
>> a whole lot of
>> deleted files and a whole lot of new files.
>The difference is that as a language, C doesn't demand
>such changes (ie renames and moves), while Java does.

Java packaging is unbelievably idiotic, and it needs to be fixed.
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