We do quite lot of  Java developpement with CVS and we handle jars like this :

1) Jars that _we generate_ are not stored in CVS, only the sources are.
2) 3rd party Jars that we use are stored on an internal web server (one 
directory per jar with a sub directory per version)
3) We use an ANT build script to obtain the required jars from the web 
server at build time (this build script - XML file _is_ stored in CVS)
4) Sometimes our output jars are in fact input to other products, in this 
case we upload them to the web server so that other projects can get them.

All of the above is automated by use of ANT (if you don't know this tool 
take a look at http://jakarta.apache.org/ant/index.html)
It gives you all the bricks you need to to the the HTTP, FTP, CVS etc.

Hope this helps

Martin Fuzzey

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