[ On Wednesday, March 6, 2002 at 09:59:38 (-0600), Thornley, David wrote: ]
> Subject: RE: CVS and Jar files: Should you import Jar into the Repository?     Why 
>or why not
> > 
> > It might not be a "necessary feature", but it's the way RCS files work
> > today and in combination with the forced concurrent edits feature of
> > CVS, it makes it nearly insane to try to track non-diff-able and
> > non-patch-able files!
> Why?  Lots of people on this list who appear to be sane have used
> CVS to track limited numbers of non-diffable files.

Sure, it's possible, but it does not work well and it does not give any
meaning to the results that cannot better be obtained in any number of
other possible ways.

>  The points to
> remember are (1) it works in CVS, although not as well as other
> formats do, and (2) there's nothing in general that's all that much
> better.

On the contrary!  _ANYTHING_, in general, is much better!

Simple directory naming schemes are almost infinitely better!

Get out of the box!

>  (Remember that, although binary diff programs exist, they're
> just storage optimization unless a diff between two versions of a file
> can be patched into a third and still make sense.)

_Me_ remember _that_?  I'm the one that's been trying to teach people
that fact for nearly a decade now!  That's part of the whole point _here_!

                                                                Greg A. Woods

Planix, Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; VE3TCP; Secrets of the Weird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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