Actually I posted the question for a colleague.  Here is the sequence of
commands he used:

        [1st import]
        cvs import -ko -kb -I! <directory path> <vendor tag> <release tag>
        cvs rtag <branch tag> <directory path>
        cvs checkout -D <date> -r <branch tag> <module>

The rtag command makes the import available only to the branch. The check
outs are fine at this point.

        [2nd import]
        cvs import -ko -kb -I! <directory path> <vendor tag> <release tag'>
        cvs rtag -d <branch tag> <directory path>
        cvs rtag <branch tag> <directory path>
        cvs checkout -D <date> -r <branch tag> <module>

The rtag -d and the subsequent rtag commands are necessary so that checkout
picks out the latest i.e. the 2nd import. And 'cvs checkout' works with
either -D or -r but not together after the 2nd import. (OK, the -D option on
its own is rather pointless as far as we're concerned.)

Hope this is clear.


]-----Original Message-----
]Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 2:55 PM
]Subject: Re: FW: cvs import & checkout -D date_spec
]Chen, Susie writes:
]> It does not seem time zone is the issue here, unless I 
]> misunderstood something. Both the server and the client are in 
]> the same time zone.  As I said, the same CVS checkout command,
]>      cvs checkout -D <date_spec> -r <branch tag> <file path>
]> used to work with the 1st import. It does not work after the 
]> 2nd import. And because the import was for a branch, I have to 
]> re-tag so that a check out picks up the latest (i.e. the 2nd 
]> import). Indeed, a checkout without the -D works fine and 
]> picks up the latest. And checkout with -D and without -r also 
]> works fine. There seems to be some conflict between -D & -r. 
]> But what's interesting is that checkout with -D and -r works 
]> fine before the 2nd import!
]It would be helpful if you showed us the exact commands you used, the
]results you got, and exactly how that differs from what you expected.
]Also, what versions of CVS you are using ("cvs version" will show both
]the client and server versions).  "Doesn't work" is a bit nebulous.
]-Larry Jones
]Pitiful.  Just pitiful. -- Calvin

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