Very perplexing to say the least! Does anyone have experience in accessing CVS over a 
VPN? We have a developer who called in from home saying he could not see all versions 
of a file in WinCVS. A colleague in the office looked in the same source tree and 
could see multiple branches where the guy at home could only see a single path from 
the trunk revision!

How is this possible? I had the guy at home do an update and he still could not see. 
He was doing a graph command on a file, so it should not matter what he had checked 

As CVS admin, I am accountable; what do I tell them?

Mark Jaffe        | (408) 972-9638 (home)
Chief Wizard      | (408) 807-1530 (cell)
Computer Wizards  | (425) 795-6421 (FAX)

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