But you can see who has checked out files and when via the command line so all I was looking for is something to add to apache... I guess I will have to write my own perl script for cgi

cvs -history -a -o shows all users and all checked out modules...

Greg A. Woods wrote:

[ On Tuesday, January 13, 2004 at 09:25:52 (-0500), Phil Labonte wrote: ]

Subject: Re: A way to see who has checked out a module?

I use ViewCVS as well but there is no option to see a log of checked out files is there? If there is can you let me know where?

Fundamentally there's really no such concept of "checked out files" in CVS. There is no "file locking" in CVS, so "checked out" does not mean what I think you think it means.

Any number of people can have any number of working directories checked
out on any number of clients.

None of it really makes any difference to how anyone would know who's
really working on what.

CVS is not a replacement for good project management.

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