Yes I think that is where they are comming from. One of them in particular is afraid that if he does some major changes to a file he wants to make sure nobidy else is currently working on it...

My setup is CVS on RH9 and the clients work on Windows and use Tortoise.

I think I will try to use watch because I think it is a specific set of files he is worried about.

I think that the cron job mnentioned above might be enough if I limit the time to the last month...

Thanks for all the help!

Todd Denniston wrote:

Could it be Phil that you have posed the question because the users that want
this have come from a version control system that either supports locking,
like rcs|sccs, or from a version control system that does locking by having a
human cm dole out files to the people who request to work on them?

If the above is where they come from and are looking for something vaguely
similar in CVS you might try `cvs watch on filename`[1].
If it is mostly to further communication when someone finds out the file they
have been modifying is changed when they do a cvs update, try `cvs watch add
-a commit` so they might be notified a little quicker.

BTW from your first email "... I do not want to give them shell access to the box". I have not used ViewCVS, but I have a question, if people are modifying the files how is it they don't have 'shell access to the box'? note: I have begun taking a perspective near Greg Woods' on pserver, ... pserver is almost as good as a shell access with none of the accountability. Or are the users in question read only?


Steve deRosier wrote:

Again...  this isn't going to tell you much.  It basically gives you a
log of certain activity with the system.  I can run the same command and
I get the following results:
* I have 21 modules checked out.  Of those 21, I only have directories
in my sandbox for 15 of those (where did those others go?  probably rm
-r them at some point when I didn't need to work on them anymore)  Of
the 15, I haven't touched 6 of them in close to a year, and in the last
two months I've only even looked at 3.
* Someone who left the company almost 6 months ago has 8 modules checked
* One person only has 1 module checked out -- From March last year.
* No releases are ever done by anybody.

So, what info does cvs history -ao give you?  Basically that someone
checked out a module for some reason at some point.  Does that give you
the info you're looking for?  Maybe.  If so, I'd just setup a simple
cron command:
'cvs history -ao > /var/www/html/cvscheckouts.txt'

But it doesn't tell me anything useful.

- Steve

Phil Labonte wrote:

But you can see who has checked out files and when via the command line
so all I was looking for is something to add to apache... I guess I will
have to write my own perl script for cgi

cvs -history -a -o shows all users and all checked out modules...

Greg A. Woods wrote:

[ On Tuesday, January 13, 2004 at 09:25:52 (-0500), Phil Labonte wrote: ]

Subject: Re: A way to see who has checked out a module?

I use ViewCVS as well but there is no option to see a log of checked
out files is there? If there is can you let me know where?

Fundamentally there's really no such concept of "checked out files" in
CVS.  There is no "file locking" in CVS, so "checked out" does not mean
what I think you think it means.

Any number of people can have any number of working directories checked
out on any number of clients.

None of it really makes any difference to how anyone would know who's
really working on what.

CVS is not a replacement for good project management.

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