On Fri, 11 Feb 2005, Michael Schiestl wrote:

Where the hell is the bottleneck? Is there a way to make CVS faster?

While I wouldn't called CVS slow, I would appreciate some hints on optimizing / tweaking performance.

We're using version 1.11.1p1 via pserver on a Redhat Linux version
2.4.17+acl on an ext3 file system and things are starting slow
down painfully for some of our larger modules.

Partly to blame is our heavy usage of tagging operations that have
left a legacy of about 4000 tags per file.

We also have a considerable number of "dead" directory
trees. ie. Directories that have effectively been renamed.

("cvs co -P" creates 1025 directories (excluding the /CVS meta
directories), "cvs co" creates 2015.

Any pointers on what would be the most effective tweaks / actions we
could do to regain some speed?

For example, I would consider leaving behind our pre-version 1.0
development trail and pulling our Post-version 1.0 trail into a new module.

Is there any tool to do that? And would it speed things up?

John Carter Phone : (64)(3) 358 6639 Tait Electronics Fax : (64)(3) 359 4632 PO Box 1645 Christchurch Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED] New Zealand

No code is faster than no code.

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