Tony Johnson wrote:
> I've seen an abnormally high number of these.  Maybe the cyrus web site
> needs to be reworked so that the email address to send subscribe/unsubscribe
> messages is more clear.
> Yes?

Why not switch the list manager software to mailman? I switched our
server at work from majordomo to mailman about a month ago, and it
really is very good.

At the very least, put [Cyrus-IMAP] at the beginning of the subject, and
a short unsubscription message at the bottom of each message, like most
other lists do. They're _much_ easier to work with for people with (and
without) mail filters, and this would probably cut down a great number
of the lame 'unsubscribe' message we have been seeing for the last four
(+?) years I've been on this list.

Pretty please...


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