>    - With plaintext login [using pwcheck], cyradm asks for the
>    password twice:
>      first "Please enter your password:" then "IMAP Password:" - any
>      reason why?
> I'm not sure.  Has anyone else run across this?  Can anyone else solve
> this?

This happens with my build of 2.0.11/Solaris 7. It appears that the IMAP
password is the one it wants. I think this has something to do with the MD5
passwords, because when I attempt to log in with cyradm, I get this:

Feb 16 14:33:58 wombat perl[3212]: [ID 516856 auth.error] unable to dlopen
/opt/local/cyrus/lib/sasl/libdigestmd5.so: ld.so.1: perl: fatal: relocation
error: file /opt/local/cyrus/lib/sasl/libdigestmd5.so: symbol __eprintf:
referenced symbol not found
Feb 16 14:33:58 wombat last message repeated 1 time
Feb 16 14:34:01 wombat imapd[3207]: [ID 656617 local6.notice] badlogin:
wombat[] PLAIN no mechanism available
Feb 16 14:34:06 wombat imapd[3207]: [ID 237943 local6.notice] login:
wombat[] root plaintext

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