I have to migrate about 12,000 students from a POP3 view to a IMAP view.
Both POP3 server and IMAP server reside on the same machine.
Now they use Eudora as POP3 client, and in the future they will use a webmail
program, probably IMP.

I've two big questions:

1) For a not short time, we will have both POP3 and IMAP users,
    so how can I configure sendmail to manage this situation ?
    We run sendmail 8.11.2 and procmail 3.15.

2) Is there a way to convert Eudora mailboxes to IMAP folders ?

Thank you very much for your help.

  Marco Pirovano
  Universita' Bocconi
  Area Sistemi Informatici e Telematici
  Via Balilla, 18 20136 Milano - Italy
  Phone: +39 02 5836.3173  Fax: +39 02 5836.3160

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