On Monday, February 19, 2001 12:01:19 PM +0100 Marco Pirovano
| Hello,
| I have to migrate about 12,000 students from a POP3 view to a IMAP view.
| Both POP3 server and IMAP server reside on the same machine.
| Now they use Eudora as POP3 client, and in the future they will use a
| webmail program, probably IMP.
| I've two big questions:
| 1) For a not short time, we will have both POP3 and IMAP users,
|      so how can I configure sendmail to manage this situation ?
|      We run sendmail 8.11.2 and procmail 3.15.

As cyrus supports both imap and pop3 this isn't really a problem, just use
formail and deliver to copy the mail from the usual mailboxes into cyrus,
you users can continue using pop3 until the webmail comes online.
Configuring sendmail to use deliver or lmtp isn't particularly hard. The
biggest problem is the time it takes to convert 12000 mailboxes but I guess
that you are planning to do the change this summer when traffic is low.

| 2) Is there a way to convert Eudora mailboxes to IMAP folders ?

No idea I'm afraid.

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