Hello, I am new to Cyrus, so please bare with...

I'm trying to install cyrus using ldap for authentication. We require no
encryption of passwords or of the imap sessions.
Do we still need to use cyrus-sasl?
What is th best method to auth?  Pam or pwcheck?
I am assuming that if I use pwcheck, the underlying database is irrelevent as
pwcheck abstracts that to cyrus.  (Meaning it is irrelevent whther we use mysql
or ldap as long as the pwcheck script/program handles the auth with mysql/ldap),
cprrect?  Pwcheck must simply return and OK or an error message, corect?  Also,
how does pwcheck relate (is it a part of sasl or of cyrus)?
I have read almost everything that I can find, but being so new, the docs are a
little confusing and sparse at this point of my knowledge level.

Thanks in advance for putting up with such trivial questions (to you, but major
to me :)) and helping me out.


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