As I described in my previous email a core dump is produced by deliver.
I now discovered, that every delivery causes a core dump.

Before I used a procmail script like

  :0 w

  ($DELIVERMAIL is "/usr/local/bin/deliver -r $SENDER")

Since I checked the exit status of this recipe with the w flag a following
recipe was executed sending a warning message that the mail couldn't be 
delivered. This caused a mail loop with a bad configured mailing list.

I removed the w flag but that's of course not a solution if each
message causes deliver to throw a core.

As I wrote, these problems occur since the upgrade 1.6.24 -> 2.0.13

Any hints greatly appreciated.

Werner Reisberger         pgp-public-key available:
Viktoriastr. 15
CH-8057 Zurich

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