I'm running cyrus imap 2.0.9 on Redhat 7.1 and many messages are being
lost during big move or copy operations.  For instance, I moved a folder
with over 2000 messages in it to a higher spot in my folder hierarchy
and now maybe 20% of the messages are blank.  I have tried copying,
moving, and using Outlook 2002 and Mulberry, but no combinbation seems
to remedy this problem.

The header info seems to be intact when viewing in Mulberry, but the
messages are blank.  Outlook 2002 doesn't display anything but the date
and the message size for these blanked messages.

Seems that somehow the messages are getting corrupted in blocks of 20 or
so messages during the copy/move procedure.

This system is an old P120 with 40 megs of memory, but it has plenty of
swap, so it doesn't seem like memory would be a problem.

Any ideas?

Josh Christie

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