Heh.  I know the <hic> feeling, saturday nights.
Anything else I can do here?


Ken Murchison wrote:

>Hmm.  Looks like you're having bigger issues than just the env
>variable.  Nothing come sto mind right now, but its late and I've had a
>few too many "pops".
>e-d0uble wrote:
>>Applied patch and... Still no luck. Here's the log:
>>Jun  9 12:03:22 spicymeatball imapd: could not getenv(CYRUS_SERVICE)
>>Jun  9 12:03:22 spicymeatball service-imapd[21427]: executed
>>Jun  9 12:03:22 spicymeatball service-imapd[21427]: unable to set close
>>on exec: Bad file descriptor
>>Jun  9 12:03:22 spicymeatball
>>Jun  9 12:05:39 spicymeatball master: unable to change limit of file
>>descriptors available
>>Jun  9 12:05:39 spicymeatball master[21492]: process started
>>Jun  9 12:05:39 spicymeatball master[21494]: about to exec
>>Jun  9 12:05:39 spicymeatball ctl_mboxlist[21494]: running mboxlist recovery
>>Jun  9 12:06:13 spicymeatball imapd: could not getenv(CYRUS_SERVICE)
>>Ken Murchison wrote:
>>>Try applying the attached patch.  This will keep the service from
>>>exiting, but will still log any errors with respect to CYRUS_SERVICE.
>>>I'd like to find out if putenv() is failing, or something else is going
>>>If you want to know how/why CYRUS_SERVICE is used, read the "ACCESS
>>>CONTROL" section of cyrus.conf(5).
>>>e-d0uble wrote:
>>>>I get this as well when trying to telnet to localhost imap.
>>>>When running the imtest program I get:
>>>>prot level failure.
>>>>This is also a linux system, albeit on a PPC.  It looks as if master is not
>>>>setenving CYRUS_SERVICE correctly, or at all.
>>>>Any suggestions would be appreciated, as I'd very much like to rid myself of my
>>>>UW-IMAP server in favor of Cyrus =)
>>>>Ken Murchison wrote:
>>>>>"Garrett, Michael R" wrote:
>>>>>>Hey all,
>>>>>>This should be an easy and quick question.  When I try and load the imap
>>>>>>daemon I get the following error...
>>>>>>imapd: could not getenv(CYRUS_SERVICE); exiting
>>>>>>this also occurs for the pop3 daemon as well.
>>>>>>I am using redhat linux 7.1 with cyrus-imapd-2.0.14  and cyrus-sasl-1.5.24
>>>>>>Anyhelp would be great.
>>>>>Not sure what you mean by "load" the imap daemon.  imapd and pop3d can
>>>>>only be spawned by the master process (not inetd).  CYRUS_SERVICE is set
>>>>>by master and then picked up by the other services (daemons).
>>>>>Kenneth Murchison     Oceana Matrix Ltd.
>>>>>Software Engineer     21 Princeton Place
>>>>>716-662-8973 x26      Orchard Park, NY 14127
>>>>>--PGP Public Key--    http://www.oceana.com/~ken/ksm.pgp

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