I want to pipe up here and clarify my original intent and statements.  Some
posters where asking about saslauthd; what it was, were it could be found,
etc.  While it is true that saslauthd "can (and will)" use a different
protocol to communitcate with the SASL library, today in the here and now,
pwcheck and saslauthd are interchangeable.  If you wish to use some of the
more advances capabilities of saslauthd, but not upgrade to the 2.0.x SASL
series ( which you should not do ), you can do so.

To avoid problems going forward, if you wish to use saslauthd with SASL
1.5.24, use cvs to checkout the version tagged sasl-1_5_27 and use the
saslauthd deamon found there.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ken Murchison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jeremy Howard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Christopher Audley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 9:51 AM
Subject: Re: FAQ: What is saslauthd?

> Your statement above is NOT correct.  pwcheck and saslauthd are
> completely independent of one another, and can (and will) use different
> protocols (check the SASL v2 source).  If you look at configure.in,
> nothing prevents you from compiling support for both into a single SASL
> library.  This means (in theory) that Cyrus could be using saslauthd and
> Sendmail could be using pwcheck.

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