On Tue, 23 Oct 2001, Greg Hewett wrote:
> My experience has been that cyrus fails over pretty clean.  Depending
> on the number of users, it might not make sense to reconstuct the
> databases at a time of fail over.

OK, thanks for the information - I've got some more questions:
- "fails over pretty clean": Did you have any trouble with failover yet?
- What failover software do you use?
- Could it happen that DB3 files (like /var/imap/mailboxes.db) get 
destroyed when a server crashes and these files are open for writing?

btw: What about a "redundant-Cyrus-server-setup-HOWTO"?

        Klaus Jähne
Thinking Objects Software GmbH,  Lilienthalstr. 2,  70825 Stuttgart,  DE
phone 49 711 88770 400, fax 449, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.to.com/
              Linux without limits: http://linux.s390.org/                 

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