Sorry I was out of the loop for this thread, I'm a little behind on my 
mail.  I'm currently testing a new version of imapmigrate -- I'll add 
this patch and it will be included in the next release. Thanks, Scot!

Scot W. Hetzel wrote:

>From: "Darrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>We're testing the imapmigrate scripts (from
>> to migrate from a
>>netscape messenging server to cyrus 1.5.19 (yes i know its an old
>>version, but its a version i we know well and our needs are simple ;-).
>>All seems fine, except that all versions of Outlook and Outlook Express
>>we've tested, when pointed at the new server, show the 'received' date
>>of all emails as the time the migration tool place, rather than the
>>correct time that the message was originally received...other mail
>>clients (various versions of NM and pine) diplay the received field
>>Interestingly, the 'Sent' date field in Outlook IS correct after
>> adding this field to the users' list of visible fields
>>and sorting accordingly is a workaround, but not a solution.
>>I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas/experience in ways to hack
>>imapmigrate to work properly with (broken mail clients like) outlook?
>The way cyrus works is that it shows the Date the message was delivered to
>the mail spool by reading the date from the file system for its received
>date to show to the IMAP mail clients.  Cyrus doesn't parse the first
>Received header to get the received date.
>The problem is not with the mail clients, but with the imapmigrate script.
>This script should be getting the received date from the old server, and
>then using it when storing the message on the new server.
>I had a similar problem when migrating messages using the
>script.  When I changed the script to parse the 1st Received header for the
>received date and then store the message with this received date, the IMAP
>clients showed the correct received date.
>    From (NetxAP):
>        $response = $IMAP->append($mailbox, $message, Flags =>
>["$msgFlags"], Date => $msgDate);
>Imapmigrate needs to be changed to get the received date from the old IMAP
>server and store it on the new IMAP server.  The following changes to
>imapmigrate are untested (goto line 505 in imapmigrate to make the changes):
>        # get a list of message ID numbers in the selected folder,
>        # and for each one get the text of the message and the read/unread
>        # and other IMAP flags, and copy them to the new server
>        for $msg ($oldimap->search(ALL)) {
>            my $msgtext = $oldimap->message_string($msg);
>            my @flags = $oldimap->flags($msg);
>+           my $msgdate = $oldimap->internaldate($msg);
>            my $flg = "";
>            for (@flags) {
>                $flg .= $_ . " ";
>            }
>            chop($flg);
>-            $newimap->append_string($newfolder, $msgtext, $flg);
>+            $newimap->append_string($newfolder, $msgtext, $flg, $msgdate);
>        }
>    }

Jules Agee
System Administrator
Pacific Coast Feather Co.

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