Mika Tuunanen schrieb am Wed, Nov 28, 2001 at 01:58:28PM +0200:
* Hello!
* I have problems..
* I want to replace my current pop3 system to imap system and started looking 
* for Cyrus in hopes to accomplish it..
* I have exim as mta, installed from .deb's in installation of debian 
* (potato, only stable packages installed)
* I first tried to install cyrus-imapd with apt-get - installed cyrus-imapd + 
* cyrus-common and felt like working : WRONG!
* Cannot find imap.conf..
* Well then I went to cyrus homepages and dl'd cyrus-sasl-1.5.27.tar.gz & 
* cyrus-imapd-2.0.16.tar.gz

Why that if only the imapd.conf is missing?  /etc/cyrus.conf and 
/etc/imapd.conf are well documented by their respective man pages, 
did the debian packagers opt them out?

* but since I'm 'n00b' and read docs and tried to read faqs (that are really 
* inadequate) I had several questions..
* Like how to get sasl to coop up with PAM?

If you do a "./configure --help", there is surely a switch to that.

Anyway, if you just do it the "normal way" by "./configure && make &&
make install", I presume it will find the pam libraries automatically
and include pam support.

* and most of all, how the hell do I get imapd compiled?
* while running configure (as simpliest as ./configure 
* --with-dbdir=/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.3.3/)
* ->
* checking for com_err in -lcom_err... no
* configure: warning: Parts of com_err distribuion were found, but not 
* compile_et.
* configure: warning: Will build com_err from included sources.

This is just a warning, ignore it.

* and then running make
* ->
* Running Mkbootstrap for Cyrus::IMAP ()
* chmod 644 IMAP.bs
* cc -o blib/arch/auto/Cyrus/IMAP/IMAP.so  -shared -L/usr/local/lib 
* IMAP.o    -L/work/root/cyrus/cyrus-imapd-2.0.16/perl/imap/../../lib -lcyrus 
* -lsasl -lssl -lcrypto
* /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lssl
* collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
* make[2]: *** [blib/arch/auto/Cyrus/IMAP/IMAP.so] Error 1
* make[2]: Leaving directory `/work/root/cyrus/cyrus-imapd-2.0.16/perl/imap'
* make[1]: *** [all] Error 1
* make[1]: Leaving directory `/work/root/cyrus/cyrus-imapd-2.0.16/perl'
* make: *** [all] Error 1
* and 'bang'.

Of course, because you have not installed OpenSSL (or its devel package).  
Either do that or disable ssl support in cyrus ("./configure --help" helps).

* I would appreciate 'walk with hand in hand' instructions how to get that 
* cyrus working and replace current pop3 with it..
* Additional info will be dug up if someone asks, like I told earlier, I'm 
* bit 'n00b' and it's hard for me to figure out what else is required to 
* pinpoint my problem.

Sure, but there is also no way in predicting your knowlegde and how your
system works.  So, one problem after the other.  Inventing a list of "ifs"
and "thens" does not make much sense here and requires much more work than 
answering direct questions.


- Birger

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