Guy Middleton schrieb am Thu, Jan 10, 2002 at 02:36:02PM -0800:
* On Thu, Jan 10, 2002 at 11:02:21PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
* > The problem is more complex.  You have to provide some details to get answers
* > that make sense:
* > 
* >  - what is the quota limit of each user?
* > [ ... ]
* In this particular instance it is actually easy for us to come up with these
* numbers.
* We have a degenerate case, in which a large number of users are expected to
* access a mail store which is empty most of the time.
* quota limit:                          100kB
* people reading mail per day:          100k
* messages per day:                     usually zero
* maximum mail fetch on one connect:    1
* expected simultaneous connections:    unknown
* new connects/second:                  175

Mmmh.  I then suppose you have to regard network IO (new sockets etc.) as
the main source of load, not so much disk IO.  Critical will be the authen-
tication mechanism (we had plenty of trouble doing auth with LDAP as the
LDAP server did not respond timely at first test shots), you don't win
on the emty mailbox situation if new connects will lose time upon auth.

Do you know which auth mechanism will be used?  If MySQL/LDAP, you'll have
to scale the corresponding servers/services/software accordingly.


- Birger

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