--On Friday, January 11, 2002 01:38:00 PM +0100 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> * We have a degenerate case, in which a large number of users are
> expected to * access a mail store which is empty most of the time.
> *
> * quota limit:                                100kB
> * people reading mail per day:                100k
> * messages per day:                   usually zero
> * maximum mail fetch on one connect:  1
> * expected simultaneous connections:  unknown
> * new connects/second:                        175
> Mmmh.  I then suppose you have to regard network IO (new sockets etc.) as
> the main source of load, not so much disk IO.  Critical will be the
> authen- tication mechanism (we had plenty of trouble doing auth with LDAP
> as the LDAP server did not respond timely at first test shots), you don't
> win on the emty mailbox situation if new connects will lose time upon
> auth.
> Do you know which auth mechanism will be used?  If MySQL/LDAP, you'll have
> to scale the corresponding servers/services/software accordingly.

This may be a place where it is more cost-effective to use one of the 
commercial LDAP servers. Solaris comes with a license for 200,000-user 
iPlanet Directory Server. With the number of auths/sec that you need, you 
will want a very high-performance auth mechanism.

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