Because cyrus will continue to look for the data in /var/spool/imap/a


Richmond Dyes wrote:
> Thanks for the info, but excuse my stupidity, but why the link if you have moved
> that directory?
> Noll Janos wrote:
> > Hy!
> >
> > On 11-Jan-2002 Richmond Dyes wrote:
> > > I have Cyrus 2.0.9 running on RH 7.1.  I want to move some of my mail
> > > users to another partition because it is getting full.  I downloaded the
> > [...]
> > > 2. Is there a way to maunally move a user?
> >
> >  If you use a hashed IMAP spool (you probably do), moving by hand is easy.
> >
> >  A way for it:
> >
> >  1. stop the cyrus imap server processes
> >  2. move a letter and subdirectories, like "/var/spool/imap/a" to
> >     "/mnt/otherhd/somethingimap/a"
> >     (make sure the access rights are kept proper!)
> >  3. make a symlink "/var/spool/imap/a" to "/mnt/otherhd/somethingimap/a"
> >  4. start the imap server
> >
> >  You can move by first letters this way, which is pretty easy to handle, and
> > efficient.
> >
> > | Noll Janos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | |
> > | "Expect the unexpected!"    | ICQ# 4547866 |  Linux rulez! |
> --
> Richmond Dyes
> IS Director
> Monroe Community Hospital
> 435 East Henrietta Road
> Rochester NY 14609
> Phone: 716.760.6213

Robert Scussel
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