If this question has already been answered, elsewhere, please accept
my apologies.

In our deployment we make a "heavy" use of autocreatequota feature
of cyrus imap. As I understood autocreatequota implies (among other)
that the user can create his INBOX, upon login, if it is not already exist.
Initialy I didn't pay much attention, and missed that the task of
INBOX creation is left to the client (thought that it was a server task)

Unfortunately most of IMAP clients, except Outlook, (don't know about
Mulberry) don't follow this concept and responed with "Mailbox does not
exist", whenever access to INBOX is attempted. [propably because they 
didn't issue a ". CREATE INBOX" command]

So here is the question:

A) Is there any RFC where it is defined if this is a server or client task?

B) If this is not defined, is there any special reason to let the client
client complete the procedure of INBOX creation?
Finally If I proceed to some modifications, in a way to implement the INBOX
creation functionality on the server (always if autocreatequota>0 and
user INBOX does not exist), is something that I must be careful about,
a side effect maybe..?

Thank you in advance

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