Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 13:56:27 +0200
   From: Nikos Voutsinas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   A) Is there any RFC where it is defined if this is a server or client task?

No, it isn't standardized, but this is generally a server task.

The only reason Cyrus allows the autocreatequota option is because of
some strange transitioning things that happen at CMU.

   B) If this is not defined, is there any special reason to let the client
   client complete the procedure of INBOX creation?
   Finally If I proceed to some modifications, in a way to implement the INBOX
   creation functionality on the server (always if autocreatequota>0 and
   user INBOX does not exist), is something that I must be careful about,
   a side effect maybe..?

Be careful; it's possible for a user to authenticate but not be able
to have a "user.<username>" mailbox.  (The easiest example is my admin
account, which is named "leg/admin"; it's impossible for such a user
to have an INBOX on Cyrus.)


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