>>>>> On Thu, 7 Mar 2002 21:40:50 -0800,
>>>>> Jeff Bert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (jb) writes:

jb> I'm trying to get cyrus secured via SSL using stunnel and haven't been
jb> successful yet... this is what I've tried:

jb> editted cyrus.conf:

jb> ...
jb> ...
jb> pop3                cmd="/usr/sbin/stunnel -p /etc/stunnel/stunnel.pem -l pop3d"
jb> listen="pop3" prefork=0
jb> ...
jb> ...
jb> }

jb> is anything like this possible? i need it secured via SSL for Windoze users.

You're working too hard.  You can provide SSL (TLS) alternatives
like this:

  imaps         cmd="imapd -s" listen="imaps" prefork=0
  pop3s         cmd="pop3d -s" listen="pop3s" prefork=0

Then tell Cyrus where to find the certs using the imapd.conf
settings tls_key_file, tls_cert_file, tls_ca_path, and tls_ca_file.
See imapd.conf(5) for more info.  Oh, and don't forget to list the
ports in /etc/services:

imaps           993/tcp                         # imap via ssl
pop3s           995/tcp                         # pop via ssl


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