Using 2.0.16 on Linux 2.2.19.

I am having trouble with imapd daemons hanging around for a long time. I
currently (21 May) have some imapd daemons that have been hanging around
for over two weeks (4 May). It is just possible that a couple users have
been sending keep-alives that long, but I have a lot more than a couple.

I don't set any timeout parameter in imapd.conf, so according to man
imapd.conf, it should default to 30 minutes. Is this not true?

Does cyrus perhaps "recycle" imapd processes rather than killing them and
starting new ones? If so, what is the logic behind this? (Unix forking is
remarkably fast, and starting fresh each time seems much safer/cleaner.)

Do I perhaps need to set some /proc/sys/net/ TCP timeout parameter?

All help is appreciated.

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