--On Friday, July 12, 2002 12:25 PM -0400 Ken Murchison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Chris Wiegand wrote:

Is it possible to configure cyrus to authenticate (via PAM, possibly)
against a Win2000 Active Directory/Domain?
We are currently usin pam_smb to auth against a NT4 box.  I haven't
tried it with 2000 yet, we are upgrading in the next few weeks.

We've been using pam_smb against a 2000 box for our Cyrus authentication for a while, but have terrible problems with it from time to time. So, I thought about trying pam_krb5 instead. I had hoped that (with the necessary underlying OS configuration done - verified by being able to login using telnet and ftp) it would simply be a case of changing the references to pam_smb in the pam.conf file (Cyrus platform is Solaris 8) to pam_krb5 and away we'd go. Not so, though; authentication always fails and what I see logged is...

Jan 9 12:57:15 tench PAM: [ID 705685 auth.debug] PAM-KRB5: pam_sm_authenticate
Jan 9 12:57:15 tench PAM: [ID 729219 auth.debug] PAM-KRB5: pam_sm_auth prompting for password
Jan 9 12:57:15 tench PAM: [ID 427203 auth.debug] pam_authenticate: error Authentication failed


Does anyone know what the problem(s) might be?


Richard Hopkins,
Information Services,
Computer Centre,
University of Bristol,
Bristol, BS8 1UD, UK

Tel +44 117 928 7859
Fax +44 117 929 1576

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