I have just converted from 1.6.24 to 2.0.17

I have a large number of folders in the database which do not really exist. This is because I had tested the procedure for converting the 1.6.24 mailboxes file to the 2.0.17 mailbox.db a month ago and failed to remove the db files on doing this on the recent copy of the mailboxes file. I had expected the database to get overwritten.

I intend to do
ctl_mboxlist -d > mailboxes
Then run a script to check each folder in this file and only write out the line if it exists in the mail hierarchy. Then do
ctl_moxlist -u < mailboxes.clean

My question is should I remove everything in the db directory before doing the ctl_mboxlist -u ?

Paul Christie
Bath University Computing Services

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