On Sat, 1 Feb 2003, Phil Howard wrote:

>     Is this done so transparently with Cyrus-IMAP that it didn't
>     even need mention?  Or is it not done at all?

There are some unofficial hacks to do virtual domains in 2.1, there's
reasonable support for it in 2.2.

>     Will Cyrus-IMAP deliver these tagged addresses into different
>     mailboxes, inboxes, or folders, if they exist?  Will it still
>     deliver to the principle mailbox if not?  Or will it try to
>     create tha tagged folder if it does not exist?  Also, Is there
>     a way for the user to specify a forwarding address instead of
>     a local delivery?

A LHS of "foo+bar" will do roughly the following:

- run through a sieve script, if the script takes any action, that

- if a message is just "kept" (or there is no sieve script), then it will
attempt to file into user.foo.bar, if 'anyone' (or whoever the message is
authorized as) doesn't have the 'p' permission, this will fail.

- message is filed into the INBOX as a last resort.


Rob Siemborski * Andrew Systems Group * Cyert Hall 207 * 412-268-7456
Research Systems Programmer * /usr/contributed Gatekeeper

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