On Mon, Feb 03, 2003 at 09:00:13AM -0200, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:

| On Mon, 03 Feb 2003, Phil Howard wrote:
| > Can you tell me if this is implemented by changing mailbox names adding
| > the domain name, or if it just simply keeps each domain in a separate
| > file tree much as one might do by having run each domain with a separate
| > daemon instance listing to specific interface addresses?
| You just need to use the list archive to find that out.

Would that more likely be in the developer mailing list?

| > One way "virtual domain" has been used is when an MTA (traditionally
| > sendmail) would accept any of several different domain names, but each
| > would be delivered as if the RHS was the same as the local machine.
| Sendmail retarded overloading of the term...  Use postfix, exim, or
| something like that that has a real concept of "virtual domains" as separate
| namespaces.

I do use Postfix.  Even there the term isn't exactly correct.
Postfix is closer to true domains.  The finality depends on
the delivery.  With Cyrus-IMAP 2.2, maybe that will finally
be the Holy Grail I've been seeking.

| > of the term "virtual domain".  It is one I wish would be banished from
| > any use.
| Cyrus virtual domains are exactly that: namespace-separated "virtual".

But I cannot understand what you mean by that because multitudes of
potential meanings could be attributed to that term.  The details
would tell me.

| > the full user@domain which is logged in, then I would say there is nothing
| > "virtual" about the domain at all.  It is in fact very real.  What might
| I suppose.  Still, it is not [exactly] the domain of the host, so it was
| called virtual. The term is in wide usage, now. It is quite late to try to
| change it to something more sensible such as "multiple separate domains".

Well at least you agree on the more sensible name.  I stopped using
the term virtual even before I stopped using Sendmail, because it
was just wrong.  And in my mind there is no meaning to it, at least
in email context.  And even in web context when someone says it I
have to stop them and say "which kind of virtual are you referring

| Phil Howard - KA9WGN |   Dallas   | http://linuxhomepage.com/ |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Texas, USA | http://ka9wgn.ham.org/    |

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