Daryl Field schrieb:
> I'm having a little trouble with the cyradm tool, firstly I'd like to point
> out that I'm only running Cyrus in a lab & am not that familiar at this
> point.
> I'm authenticating using saslauthd -a pam, everything is working fine from
> an imap perspective, only imaps, using local acccounts, it's running on
> Redhat. Only issue is the cyradm tool won't connect to the local server.

You don't need an entry in /etc/saslauthdb2 if you're authenitacting
against PAM. Just try:

cyradm --user=cyrus --auth=login localhost


> I've tried, using the --auth switch with a whole load of permutations,
> unix,plain,pam,saslauth, tha man pages lists --auth[mechanism] without
> specifying the mechs explicitly.
> My account is listed as an admin in /etc/imap.conf, put an entry in
> /etc/saslauthdb2 just in case, but am still having difficulties.
> A quick rundown of how & what against this tool auths against would be most
> helpfull.
> Thanks up front & apologies if this question's a little low-brow.
> Daryl

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