On Wed, 5 Nov 2003, Rob Siemborski wrote:

> On Wed, 5 Nov 2003, Ken Murchison wrote:
> > > In my opinion it is better if it does more than just the mbox
> > > verification.  I'd like to see the quota check as well.  I am not sure if
> > > the "map protocol" allows for multiple return codes rather than just
> > > yes/no type answer.  Then there is the performance consideration, I would
> > > hope that the "map protocol" allows for a "persistent" tcp connection.
> >
> > I'm not sure that a separate daemon for Cyrus is needed.  You can
> > already do this by using the LIST and GETQUOTAROOT commands in imapd (as
> > an admin).
> Presumably the socket map stuff doesn't speak IMAP, though.  Having a

It does not speak IMAP.  A new cyrus server would need to be written for
this to work.  The protocol is pretty simple.


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