On Fri, 26 Dec 2003, Ken Murchison wrote:

> Kendrick Vargas wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> >
> > I asked earlier how I could get users within the primary (default) domain
> > hashed into the domain/ subdirectories of the imap spool instead of being
> > right at the toplevel without any real domain association. I was told that
> > the defaultdomain option was meant to ease the passage from version 2.1 to
> > 2.2, so if I simply didn't set it, I'd get the hashing all nice and
> > pretty.
> >
> > Now I have a slightly different issue. I've finally gone back and set
> > things up in this manner. No defaultdomain setting. Users are hashed in
> > the domains as they should be, however I'd like to have a global admin.
> > The documents say I need the defaultdomain to have a global admin. Why?
> > Is there anyway to get around this?
> >
> > I'd like to have a global admin without having the defaultdomain set. I
> > don't really understand why that would be a requirement. Maybe this
> > behavior should be some sort of configurable flag. If someone could
> > point me in the direction to the source I could hack past to disable this
> > behavior, I'd greatly appreciate it.
> This has to do with the fact that the virtdomains code handles domains
> by login id and ip address simultaneously.  If you don't have a fully
> qualified user id, the code will do a reverse lookup on the ip address
> of the local NIC and add that domain.  The only way to prevent the
> appending of the domain is by setting a default domain.
> I could probably fix this by changing the code to only do virtdomains by
>   one mechanism at a time, NOT both.  Since the 2.2 code recently added
> the ability to have enumerated config options, I could change the
> virtdomains option to be a tri-state variable, something like [ off,
> byuserid, byipaddress ].  As long as nobody is depending on the current
> behavior, I have no problem changing this.  Of course, if people do need
> the current bevavior, I could add a fourth state to handle this.
> I'd like to get some feedback from those of you that have been using the
> virtdomains code before I go and make any changes.

I depend on the current behavior.  My users can login with their full
qualified username or just their userid provided they connect to the
right interface.  I find this very useful when merging email servers.

We've written a patch to address this issue, but Rob decided against the
patch (performance issue):


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