On Sat, 2004-01-31 at 01:37, Jason Williams wrote:
> After playing with the ACL's a bit, the only way I could get the user 
> jwilliams to be able to see messages and post messages to 
> user.loanofficer.announce 

Hmm... in my last message I was assuming you meant you were directly
copying the message into the target folder, or using a command like the
"post new message" command in Evolution. If you're in fact trying to
send a message via SMTP, then it's an entirely different situation, as
Ken Murchison describes.

If you want restricted post access it might be best copy the message
over using IMAP. You could just send it to yourself and copy it over,
use a mail client with a "post" command, or save it as draft and copy
the draft.

Craig Ringer

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