On Fri, 30 Jan 2004, Jason Williams wrote:

> Hmm. From the sound of it, that will require some further research and
> testing. As it stands right now, I have smtp-auth setup through postfix in
> a chrooted environment. Now, I need to figure out how to set postfix to
> either pass AUTH or authenticate to lmtpd...

On Mon, 2 Feb 2004, Jason Williams wrote:

> So the trick that I am presented with is to figure out how to get my MTA
> (Postfix) to authenticate to the LMTP process in order to have acl's work
> correctly on shared mail boxes, correct?
> Has anyone done this with postfix by chance?

Sadly, it won't work, at least not with Postfix.  There's no way to
save the auth state accepted via SMTP so that it can later be used by
LMTP for authenticated posting.  To be honest, I'm skeptical that'll
ever be a feature because it would require changing the Postfix
internal queue file format, and a big catch with that is some feeling
of uneasiness about passing such credentials.  At least that was my
impression a couple of years ago.

If passing such credentials is really important to you, you may have
to use Sendmail.  It know Sendmail handles it.


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