On Wed, 3 Mar 2004, Cesar Lagarrigue wrote:

> well, i put into production my server for 450 users... and have a lot of
> troubles with the clients outlook express and other few problems with the
> server.

Not too long ago we experienced some issues with Outlook users as
well.  I made the following changes, and _so_far_, these very same
folks have not indicated any problems.  I don't know what exactly
improved things, but since things are OK, I'm not too concerned
about it.

1. Configured cyrus-imapd (2.2.3) with --with-idle=idled and
uncommented the following from cyrus.conf:

  # ...

  # this is only necessary if using idled for IMAP IDLE
  idled      cmd="idled"

2. Changed timeout in imapd.conf:

timeout: 90

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