On Mon, 10 May 2004, Nicolas Schmitz wrote:

> Thank you for your quick answer.
> I've tried to add --with-plugindir=/appli/cyrus-sasl/lib/sasl2 to my .configure,
> but the problem is the same... I have also tried to recompile cyrus-imap, with
> no result.
> I think sasl works ok because I can do :
> pc-schmitz-vm:~# /usr/local/bin/testsaslauthd -u schmitz -p XXXXXXXXX
> 0: OK "Success."
> pc-schmitz-vm:~#

This tests saslauthd only.  You need to use sample client and server
($cyrus-sasl-src/sample) to test sasl lib.

> Thank you again.
> I repost my compile option :
> export CPPFLAGS=-I/appli/BerkeleyDB/include
> export LDFLAGS=-L/appli/BerkeleyDB/lib/
> ./configure \
> --prefix=/appli/cyrus-sasl \
> --with-ldap=/appli/openldap/ \
> --enable-anon \
> --enable-plain \
> --disable-krb4 \
> --disable-otp \
> --disable-cram \
> --disable-digest \
> --with-saslauthd=/var/run/saslauthd \
> --with-dblib=berkeley \
> --with-bdb-libdir=/appli/BerkeleyDB/lib/ \
> --with-bdb-incdir=/appli/BerkeleyDB/include \
> --with-openssl=/usr/include/openssl/ \
> --with-plugindir=/appli/cyrus-sasl/lib/sasl2
> make
> make install
> mkdir -p /var/run/saslauthd
> cd saslauthd
> make testsaslauthd
> cp testsaslauthd /usr/local/bin
> echo /appli/cyrus-sasl/lib/sasl2 >> /etc/ld.so.conf

This is not neccessary.  sasl2 plugins are used by the sasl lib only.

> echo /appli/cyrus-sasl/lib/ >> /etc/ld.so.conf
> ln -s /appli/cyrus-sasl/lib/sasl2  /usr/lib/sasl2
> ln -s /appli/cyrus-sasl/lib/libsasl2.so.2.0.18 /usr/lib/libsasl2.so.2
> ldconfig
> cd cyrus-imapd
> export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/include/et"
> ./configure \
> --prefix=/appli/cyrus-imapd \
> --exec-prefix=/appli/cyrus-imapd \
> --with-sasl=/appli/cyrus-sasl \
> --with-perl=/usr/bin/perl \
> --with-auth=unix \
> --with-bdb-libdir=/appli/BerkeleyDB/lib/ \
> --with-bdb-incdir=/appli/BerkeleyDB/include/ \
> --with-openssl=/usr/include/openssl/
> make depend
> make
> make install

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