On Mon, 24 May 2004, Ken Murchison wrote:

The hash_enumerate() function is also used by some other cyrus-imapd
programs so I could think, without having a closer look, that it could
also break other programs, right? I suggest testing it on a affected
platform with the patch applied.

Obviously a fileinto needs to touch the quota code, so the hash problem is a possibility. But I would suspect that if this were the case that it wouldn't be limited to just fileinto -- *any* message delivery would cause a problem.

I suspect the hash_enumerate issue would crash the process if it had any effect at all (and it would crash at the same point as it was crashing for the quotadb issue).

I don't think, offhand, that the two issues (if any) are related. Simon -- have you seen the sieve problem?

BTW, do you, the developers, plan to push out another release like 2.2.5
if the patch discussed here fixes the problem? I just want to know whether
I should wait for it before publishing updated rpms.

My guess would be that Rob will cut a 2.2.5 release once these issues are fixed.

That's my plan.


Rob Siemborski * Andrew Systems Group * Cyert Hall 207 * 412-268-7456
Research Systems Programmer * /usr/contributed Gatekeeper

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