Greeting fellows,

I know this discussion crop up regularly, but I have checked the list archive and the WiKi already and did not really found the answer I am looking for. Also, an update once in a while might be a good thing.

I have been asked to consider how to build an high-availability Cyrus installation. This is a small installation (~200 accounts ... peanuts), so scalability is not really a concern. In this regard, a Murder is not really appropriate.

The platform would be Linux. We already have the fail-over stuff figured out with heartbeat and friends, so that part is covered.

From what I can see, I would have two possibilities to make a hot spare Cyrus IMAP daemon : replication, or cluster filesystem/block device (drdb, GFS, etc).

Regarding IMAP replication, I have not found much but the work of David Carter at seem interesting. As far as I can tell, source to this implementation and current status are not available. Does somebody on the list use this solution or a similar one and could comment and the practicality of it ? Perhap M. Carter (if you read the list) could give us a status update for his particuliar project ?

Regarding cluster filesystem, I am just starting to look around and would like to know about success story. So far, drdb and GFS look somewhat promising. The WiKi mention that the filesystem need to support file locking and mmap(), so I guess this is something to be on the lookout for. Does anybody use clustered filesystem for their Cyrus mailstore ? I am particularly interested to know if you use drdb or GFS, and your overall feeling about their suitability for this task.

Thanks for your insight. I know my questions are somewhat vague, but I would welcome your experience with HA and Cyrus or any pointer you may have on the subject.

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