From: "Igor Brezac" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Mon, 8 Nov 2004, Michael Nguyen wrote:


> OK.  You need to setup syslog severity level for auth facility to debug.
> This will give you a few more messages in the syslog.


I want to first thank you for all of your help and direction.  The debug
logs pointed me in the right direction and I can now authenticate:

testsaslauthd -u michaeln -p password2 -f /var/run/saslauthd/mux/mux
0: OK "Success."

However, I'm having trouble getting Cyrus to find the location of the
maildir.  I have Postfix setup with LDAP routing.  The LDAP entry for the
above test user is as follows:

# [EMAIL PROTECTED], dev2, test, spam
dn: [EMAIL PROTECTED],dc=dev2,dc=test,dc=spam
objectClass: top
objectClass: MailAccount
accountStatus: TRUE
uid: 1000
userName: michaeln
mailMessageStore: m.sub/i.sub/michaeln.macnt/
mailHost: dev2.test.spam
clearPassword: password2
userPassword:: cGFzc3dvcmQy

Postfix is working such that the mail store for [EMAIL PROTECTED] is

How do I get Cyrus to "know" what directory to look in for this user's mail?
I'm looking at the imapd.conf man page and I don't see a value that matches.

I'm really close!


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